Celebrating the launch of Spies in Disguise, we are launching #GOPLAY, a platform where children can earn XPLORA COINS by staying active and receive exciting rewards and purchase products in our #GOPLAY Store.
In a hurry? Scroll down for a quick visual introduction and "how to register" for #GOPLAY! There's also a surprise in the video at the end!
What's O2O, you ask? O2O is Offline to Online and signifies the technology behind our brand new activity platform: #GOPLAY. At XPLORA we pride ourselves in constantly developing and improving our product line, enabling us to take point in our market and offer only the best product to our customers.
Active kids - we salute you!
We salute active kids and wish to inspire more children to engage in active and social play. This is why our top models are equipped with a step counter, where your child can keep an eye on the distance they walk and run during play.
Modern solutions for modern challenges
We are certain that modern-age technology in the form of smart watches, smart phones and even smart cars has come to stay. We are also certain that this technology needs to adapt to children's needs - not the other way round, and evolve into tech that spurs the interest and motivation to move the play outside.
Rewarding activity
This is why we have been working long and hard on our brand new activity platform, where your child's physical activity is rewarded through earning XPLORA COINS. Together with Disney, we are celebrating the launch of the Spies in Disguise film and launching #GOPLAY, our platform in which your child can earn XPLORA COINS by staying active, receive exciting rewards and use XPLORA COINS to purchase fantastic products in our #GOPLAY Store.

While earning XPLORA COINS is limited to users of our XPLORA 3S, XPLORA GO and XPLORA 4 models, the #GOPLAY platform is open for anyone to view, along with out #GOPLAY Store.

Read more about #GOPLAY HERE
Check out our brand-new #GOPLAY Store HERE
Read more about XPLORA HERE